Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Pick an object...

This week we had a small class activity that involved having to pick an object that we saw in our lives that represent veterinary school to us.

I chose this small sea turtle gift my friend bought me while in Hawaii last summer. This may seem stranger to you for me to pick a turtle when I'm obviously obsessed with dogs, skiing, rugby...etc but for me this encapsulates my whole story of getting to this point in my life. 

We had to use this object to explain what it meant to us, allowing for each of us to open up and share more of "our" story to how we got here. Veterinarians all have one goal, help animals, yet how we get here, get into vet school and what each of us goes through to reach this point is the real stories. The accomplishments, failures, life trials and life highs that brought us all together is where the real story lies.

I thought I would expand a bit more on this project and write about it. I wasn't completely able to fullly explain myself in front of our whole class. (I've always been better at writing than speaking)

First sea turtles are awesome, they are my favorite water animal. Never really knew why, but just something about how peacefully they move and exist yet live for over a hundred years. Think of all the things they've seen all the places they've been.

Sea turtles represent perseverance. When I first learned this I finally realized why I love them. defines perseverance as a steady persistence in a course of action, a purpose, especially in spite of difficulties, obstacles, or discouragement. 

I never thought much about perseverance and getting through difficult times, life just keeps moving on and one day you realized that horrible thing you experienced was just an event and an event you made it through. Here is why I believe a sea turtle can encompass my story...

Veterinary school is one of the hardest graduate/ professional program to get accepted into in this nation. The veterinary profession also has the highest rate of depression and suicide in our nation. Yet has one of the highest satisfaction rate too.
It is also probably the most popular answer for kids when they are asked, "what do you want to be when you grow up?"
These are not things you hear about often nor things you learn or understand till you are here. At that time in life where you've put everything you have, every once of energy to apply and get in.

I have had more professors and teachers tell me to have a good back up plan than tell me I stood a chance of getting into a vet school. I have been told no by over 20 vet offices while trying to find any form of experience, I have stressed and broken down over a B or C because that would mean I wouldn't get accepted into vet school. I said no to skiing scholarships to make sure I went to a good biology school to set myself up for vet school.

Persistence through discouragement... 

Life comes with death, mountains and valleys that leave you feeling hopeless, wanting to give up, feeling like you are free falling backwards than crawling forwards.  Sometimes dreams get put on hold so you can take the time to build and learn through these trials and realize how important that dream was to begin with.

Persistence through obstacles...

Once we get here, get accepted into veterinary school. First thought is, I did it. That last for about 3 months, then a month of holly crap I'm starting school and you frantically try and prepare. Then you start, learn about how hard it will be and first semester is the worst, and relationships will fall a part and new ones will be created because of the time commitment that comes with vet school. First round of exams come and you suddenly realize they made a mistake... there is no way I belong here, I don't know this stuff, I'm not smart enough, I'm not going to make it, you cry to yourself on your way home at night (if you even leave because there is no way you can sleep with this much to learn)
This doesn't even account for the trials life still likes to throw at you saying, "so what you made it this far, why would I let up and take it easy on you now?"
 Then you realize how amazing skype is to call that one person who can kick you in the butt and make you laugh, realize lunch breaks are a good time to catch up with family, and that whether you wanted it to happen or not you have a new family surrounding you every single day that knows exactly when something is right or wrong. Stop and realize holly crap, I'm IN vet school! I just did a physical exam on a reindeer, and worked a check point for a dog sled race, and had a live horse in anatomy class. Realize that no matter what life throws at you, it is that awesome to be HERE to be currently living that dream you've had for all your life. 

Persistence in a course of action, a purpose

The best anaology though, sea turtles though they dive deep and hold their breath for extended period of times... THEY KEEP MOVING,
                        THEY COME UP FOR FRESH AIR
                                 THEY COME TO LAND TO LAY THEIR EGGS
They persevere through years of turbulent waters, traveling thousands of miles for a purpose. 

When I look at my little sea turtle sitting on my desk here at school, I don't see my story. I see my classmate's stories both UAF and CSU. I see the stories of every veterinarian I've had the pleasure of meeting. I see the perseverance it took for every single one of us to be where we are for the sacrifices they've made to chase their dreams.

I am also reminded that every now and then we need to give ourselves a break to lay in the sun, take time to ourselves and to see the world. Take a vacation.

I stand by my blog title daily, Embrace the Unexpected

That is the best way to live this crazy life, to live in place for those we have lost, to live and enjoy not just the final goal, but the journey it takes to get there.
                                     To enjoy the story while it is been written...

1 comment:

  1. What a great post, Liz! I hope you're doing well up there in Fairbanks, and that you had some time to yourself over Easter. How is Miss Lucy doing? Her 15th birthday is coming up! I miss her.
